Carer's 2024: Twelve Months of Teamwork and Achievements
A year of successes comes to a close, leaving a lasting mark on Carer’s decades-long history: achievements to celebrate with a global team capable of acting as one unified entity.
A year of successes comes to a close, leaving a lasting mark on Carer’s decades-long history: achievements to celebrate with a global team capable of acting as one unified entity.
Carer, global leader in the production of electric forklifts, launches the B series: a flexible and versatile range designed to adapt to various handling scenarios.
Nel cuore della Bassa Sassonia, la forza di vendita tedesca di Carer – leader globale nella produzione di carrelli elevatori elettrici – si è riunita per il consueto meeting annuale, quest’anno portatore di interessanti novità.
Carer, the global leader in electric forklift manufacturing, partners with VIG Industrial Relocations to enhance their packaging operations and logistics for the food & beverage and pharmaceutical industries